Eine Rolle Strach Wrap


How to dispose of the product correctly.

Our products are reusable. Before disposal, please check if you can use the product again, as it is very easy to cut and reassemble into a new shape by bonding with water. Don't hesitate to reuse it to ship or protect other objects during transport. This saves resources and is good for the environment.

This packaging is made using by-products (non-food starch) from manufacturing that would otherwise go to waste. It is in the process of being certified fully compostable in home-composting and industrial-composting processes (EN13432). It should not be disposed of or littered in the natural environment. 

Please follow this order of preference for waste disposal:

Grafik zur Entsorgung von Kärcher Verpackung

if not

Organic Collections (Food Waste or Garden Waste) (unless packaging is prohibited, e.g. Germany, Netherlands)

if not

Recycling/sorting collection (only if all packaging is collected, e.g. France)

if not

General / Residual Waste (if above options not possible)