News as of 18.01.2024

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  4. Storopack makes its annual Christmas Donations

As the old year drew to a close, Storopack once again made Christmas donations to four organizations near its global locations.

In France, this year’s Storopack donation went to ŒUVRE DES PUPILLES des Sapeurs-Pompiers de France, the children’s charity of the French fire service. Holding official charitable status, this organization supports all bereaved children of firefighters, regardless of whether the parent died while on duty. It also helps firefighters and their families and provides assistance to young and former firefighters who are encountering difficulties.
As a family-owned company, Storopack cares deeply about giving back to society. This year, the company is therefore supporting this charity and its vital work with a donation of €12,500, which was presented on December 21, 2023, in Ancenis, near the Storopack location in Anetz.

A further donation of €12,500 went to MUT-Mümmelmannsberg, a social environment-based network in Hamburg, Germany. MUT-Mümmelmannsberg has been supporting and assisting children, young people, and families since 2003, the aim being to foster the development of the children and young people served. Depending on needs, support is provided to children, parents, or the whole family. The donation was presented to the Chief Executive of MUT-Mümmelmannsberg, Jonny Schütze, at the Storopack location in Hamburg in the run-up to Christmas.

As it does every year, Storopack continues to sponsor humanitarian organizations that help to improve society and, in some cases, are focused on children, whether in the educational, social, or health-care field. In addition to the detailed contributions above, in 2023 holiday donations were also made to Diakonie-Sozialstation Metzingen e.V. in Germany and to Càritas in El Prat, Spain.