News as of 01.09.2023

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  4. 2023 Trainee Get-Together

Making contacts at the 2023 trainee get-together in Metzingen

This year, for the 14th time, the apprentice meeting took place at our site in Metzingen. Our apprentices from all over Germany met for two days to get to know each other and network.

True to the motto "Digitization makes it possible - shaping tomorrow's processes together", the apprentices and students learned everything they needed to know about digitization at Storopack through exciting presentations and a workshop.

During the evening program, the total of 16 trainees and students - equipped with a tablet - set off on an interactive rally through Tübingen, where they put their general knowledge and cooperation to the test. The evening was rounded off with a joint dinner at the Neckarmüller restaurant in Tübingen.

The trainee meeting was a great experience again this year. The trainees and students were able to network, made valuable contacts in the company and gathered a wide range of impressions.