Farbige Spielzeugblöcke auf dem Boden


News as of 16.08.2021


The creative toy by start-up Besonderes4Kids allows children to do the things they love most: playing, building, and climbing. The company based in Dettingen an der Erms in southwest Germany offers ultra-light and yet robust building blocks in the form of its MeinKreativStein and MeinVerwandlungsStein products. The Storopack location in Metzingen helped with development and manufactures the blocks in Mainleus, Germany. 

Approved by Kids

Company owner Frank Reichert came up with the idea for MeinKreativStein when he was playing with his grandson, and has already had the concept tested at German day care centers. Made from 100 percent recyclable EPP, each block measures 270 × 200 × 110 millimeters and weighs in at just 250 grams. Thanks to the advanced design, they’re easy to grab and stack, help with balancing, and can be used as a seat. MeinKreativStein comes in six different colors and two shapes – with a straight or arched surface – and is suitable for children one year of age and older. The independent SPIELGUT certification body has determined the product to be educational (www.spielgut.de).

Vision Becomes Reality

The geometry, colors, and surfaces were defined during a workshop with Storopack based on the initial idea, which was followed by prototype tests and ultimately the first series. An all-around successful collaboration: “I was impressed by the team spirt throughout the company, including at the plant. It was yet another confirmation that implementing this adventurous project with Storopack was the right decision,” says Frank Reichert. 

The buildings blocks are available in the online shop www.meinkreativstein.de 

Kinder spielen mit farbigen Spielzeugblöcken
Kinder spielen mit farbigen Spielzeugblöcken
Kinder spielen mit farbigen Spielzeugblöcken
Kinder spielen mit farbigen Spielzeugblöcken