Storopack employees standing behind a banner for the organization Big Blue Ocean Cleanup on the beach


News as of 02.11.2018

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  5. Storopack Supports Big Blue Ocean Cleanup

Storopack supported Big Blue Ocean Cleanup by carrying out a beach clean at Chapel St. Leonards, Lincolnshire on Friday 21st September 2018. The focus of the event was on clearing microplastic and small plastic rubbish, harmful to ocean and aquatic life, from the beach.

15 volunteers from across Storopack’s UK operations and one from its German Head Office were joined by the Marketing Manager at Woodway UK to support this event.

As a sponsor, Storopack recently became a partner of the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup. A non-profit foundation, the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup actively raise awareness of the plight of the world’s oceans, through beach cleaning, offshore cleaning, educational programmes and  providing up-to-date comprehensive information to its partners and the public.

Having received a positive response from employees wanting to get involved, Storopack were delighted that the cleanup proved a great success on the day. Richard Pulfrey, Managing Director comments “We are extremely pleased to partner the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup. Our main focus was to pick up microplastics and small plastics.
These small plastic fragments enter natural ecosystems from a variety of sources and pollute the environment. We were amazed at the wide range of litter which even included discarded barbecues. We are proud to have made a contribution to the clean-up on this enormous beach. Big Blue Ocean Cleanup goes hand in hand with our own objectives to promote the circular economy and to encourage use of recycled plastic products and responsible recycling.”

The location of the beach in Lincolnshire meant employees from both UK operations, Sheffield Head Office and Brackley Loose Fill production plant, could meet to participate in the clean-up operation. Fortunately, Storm Ali had passed and the team had excellent weather conditions. Following the clean-up the team had time to evaluate their success over lunch in the newly opened North Sea Observatory and find out more about how Big Blue Ocean Cleanup operate.

Big Blue Ocean Cleanup contacted the local council who were appreciative of the pro-environmental action, clearing an accumulation of micoplastics, marine debris and general rubbish on the beach. All waste collected on the day was delivered to the local recycling services.

Further information:


A Big Blue Ocean Cleanup flag on the beach
Storopack employees standing behind a banner for the organization Big Blue Ocean Cleanup on the beach
Storopack employees picking up trash on the beach
A person holding trash in one hand and a bag in the other